The deposition of graphite dust in heat gas duct of 10MW high temperature gas-cooled reactor ( HTR-10) was analyzed. The deposition efficiency of graphite dust in heat gas duct was obtained, which was necessary to estimate the radioactivity activity at the surface of heat gas duct. 分析了10MW高温气冷堆(HTR-10)中的石墨粉尘在热气导管中的沉积情况,得到了石墨粉尘在热气导管中的沉积率。
Mathematical equation is established based on the conditions of reasonable assuming tabular formation, no singular points of heat source or heat confluence, neglecting of heat generated by radioactivity, no macro fluid flow in well bore, and sufficient time after well completion; 在合理假设平板状地层、无奇点热源或热汇,忽略放射性产生的热量,井筒内无宏观流体流动、完井时间足够长等条件的基础上,建立了数学方程;评价的形成性问题;